28 March 2007

Feeling so pretty

Do you ever occasionally walk past a mirror and think "Holy shit! Is that me?!?!"

Or am I the only one?

Just curious.


Gina said...

All the time, my friend, all the time.

Ms. M said...

yes, every day. I just think "gee, I need some butter for my rolls". and then I cover up and go to work. :)

jeanie said...

Oh yes - but I make the "avert" sign after!

Anonymous said...

Once in...two days...?


That keeps us alive...

Suzanne said...

not anymore, but I have when looking back at pictures of me when I was in my 20s. I seriously did not appreciate what I had.

節約ママ said...

Yes! Ever since I had my daughter, I feel this way everyday!

michele said...

Always, and not in a good way! LOL