04 January 2006

quote of the day

I had the following conversation with my six-year-old:

Mom, can I have an orange?

Sure, I'll get it in a minute.

Can I peel it?

Yes, I'll get it started for you.

Why can't I start it?

Because you aren't allowed to use knives.

Can I use a butter knife?

Maybe, for some things, under my supervision.

Can you see through stuff with your supervision?

har! har! snort! I love being a mom!


Gina said...


I want me some supervision, too!

Just D said...

Of course you said, "yes! I can see through things with my supervision and why haven't you changed your undies?" didn't you?

Anonymous said...

LOL It took me a second but then I almost died!! Adorable :)

Single, Party of One said...

HAHHHAAA - i love your kids! Funny like their mama....

Happy New Year, Miz G!

sissy said...

Dear Lord they are too funny for words. Hug them for me!

Tweets said...

Perhaps crazy inflatable Santa and his "supervision" are still watching over your family!

DP said...

Ha! That's a good one! I hope you said 'yes.' You Super Mom you!

Anonymous said...

he learned it by watching you, mom.
i hope you told him that, yes you can see thru stuff, like bedroom and bathroom doors, so he better mind himself!

(my verification letters were panojew - which i read as pain-o'-a-jew. you think it's trying to tell me something?)

Busy Mom said...

That's a riot!

Anonymous said...

LOL. you've raised some funny-ass kids, ms gina.

Anonymous said...

wiat...that anaymous comment was me... wierd blogpost. it must have caught a virus from typepad

Anonymous said...


Jaime Schwarz said...

Wow, that's even funnier than the "fine I'll get it for Kwanza" line!

Anonymous said...

omg that is hilarious...don't you wish you had a running tape recorder half the time?!